Review of “Particles and Nuclei, Letters” journal, #5 2024

Publications, 24 September 2024

The journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, Letters, brief name Particles and Nuclei, Letters, publishes the articles with results of the original theoretical, experimental, scientific-technical, methodical and applied research. Subject-matter of articles covers the principal fields of research at JINR: theoretical physics, elementary particle physics, relativistic nuclear physics, nuclear physics and related problems in other branches of physics, neutron physics, condensed matter physics, physics and technique at low temperature, physics and technique of accelerators, physical experimental instruments and methods, physical computer experiments, applied research in these branches of physics and radiology, ecology and nuclear medicine.

The journal Physics of Particles and Nuclei, Letters is translated and published in English in MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica” from 2004.

Issue #5 2024

Boumali A., Serdouk F.
Thermal Properties of a Two-Dimensional Kemmer Oscillator for Spin-1 Particles

(eng, 33 Kb)
Chugreev Yu. V.
Cyclic Universe in RTG: Anisotropy Problem

(rus,197 Kb)
Maslov V. M.
Anisotropy of Ranges of Prompt Neutrons of Fission 233U(n,F)

(rus,779 Kb)
Buyukcizmeci N., Lebed Yu. B., Botvina A. S.
Dynamical and Statistical Simulations for the Production of Nuclei and Hypernuclei in High Energy Ion Collisions

(eng, 37 Kb)
Madyan R. F., Saad S. S., Amar A.
Microscopic and Semi-Microscopic Analysis of the Deuterons Elastically Scattered by Light Nuclei

(eng, 39 Kb)
Kuz’min V. A., Tetereva T. V.
Formation of Superconducting Pair Correlations in Spherical Even—Even Nuclei

(rus,187 Kb)
Gning M. T., Sakho I.
Photoionization Study of Iron-Group Elements (Fe, Co and Ni): Comparison of Theory and Experiment

(eng, 33 Kb)
Voskresensky D. N.
Charged Pion Vortices in Rotating Systems

(eng, 36 Kb)
Barak R., Merts S. P.
Study of the Influence of Various Factors on the Quality of Reconstruction of Λ and K0S in the BM@N Experiment Using Monte Carlo Simulation

(rus, 1 183 Kb)
Ghoniem Y., Chepurnov V.
Monitoring and Control for MPD Time Projection Chamber LV and HV Subsystems for Nuclotron-Based Ion Collider Facility NICA

(eng, 31 Kb)
Zhabitsky V. M.
Monitoring of Amplitude Spectra of Betatron Oscillations in the JINR Booster Synchrotron

(rus, 780 Kb)
Khaydukov Yu. N., Zhaketov V. D., Korolkov D. S., Proglyado V. V., Milyaev M. A., Kravtsov E. A., Lider A. M., Nikitenko Yu. V., Aksenov V. L.
Gamma Spectroscopy of Nanometer Layers of Gadolinium in the Resonant Mode of Enhanced Standing Neutron Waves

(rus, 414 Kb)
Skoy V. R.
About a Test of the Relativity Principle in a Free Neutron Beta Decay

(eng, 26 Kb)
Chervyakov A.
On Finite-Element Modeling of Large-Scale Magnetization Problems with Combined Magnetic Vector and Scalar Potentials

(eng, 36 Kb)
Dunin N., Mayburov S., Demikhov T., Savinov S., Demikhov E.
Measurement Automation of Ultraweak Optical Emission for Detector Systems Based on PMTs

(eng, 30 Kb)
Pronskikh E. V., Kolesnikova I. A., Severiukhin Yu. S., Utina D. M., Golikova K. N., Khramko T. S., Lalcovicova M., Molokanov A. G.
Study of the Modifying Effect of 1-β-D-Arabinofuranosylcytosine on the Immune Status of Rats in the Long Period under the Influence of Protons

(rus, 449 Kb)
Kravtsova A., Zinicovscaia I., Peshkova A., Yushin N., Cepoi L., Chiriac T., Rudi L.
Impact of Industrial Effluents on Accumulation, Translocation of Zinc and Antioxidant Activity in Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) — A Laboratory Study

(eng, 48 Kb)